Gorgeous …

….. ….. ….. Graham Thomas.
What a rose! with a wonderful perfume too. The roses around Arrowtown are amazing this season.

I went to my daughter’s this morning to do a Balance Class workout with her. It’s too long since I did a stretch & Balance Class like that - it was excellent.

Some folk have been asking why don’t people get vaccinated and solve the problems. Sometimes the vaccine itself (NZ only has Pfizer) is the problem, other times they’re choosing not to for various reasons. The people I know who aren’t vaccinated are all caring people and have plans for what to do if & when they contract CV19 and how to look after each other - like the Amish people have been doing. One thing’s for sure, the vaccine here is not stopping transmission entirely, nor hospital admissions. The Māori are most at risk, have the highest rates per capita, and have been treated poorly by the Govt, which has made them more resistant. Who can blame them!

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