Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Santa, the elves and snowman.

The Feast Day of St. Ambrose.
It is a clear crisp morning with a freezing cold wind.
I got up early to buy the paper and post the family Christmas cards in case the weather gets snowy. We had hail showers yesterday but so far no snow, even on Pendle Hill.
The elves are back downstairs, but I told them to be very careful as they like to slide down the bannisters and shout Ho Ho Ho as they land on the carpet. They are brimful of Christmas joy and asked to be photographed with the knitted snowman and Santa. They love to explore and climb, laugh and dance. They insisted on having plants and a big pine cone in the picture. They are amused by Arthur but alarmed when he yowls and they hide from "the loud cat".
I was glad to get home just as the postman was delivering my craft bag.
It was irresistible. I had already bought the crochet hook case and when I saw the bag and only three were left on Etsy, I decided to buy it from my sister's birthday money. It is really useful and beautiful. I think William Morris would approve. On a dull Winter day, with the wind howling, it is like having sight of a high Summer garden. I will blip it soon.
My dear daughter Maria and some friends are driving up to a bothy in Glencoe, in the Highlands of Scotland. Her first time. God bless them because it could be very cold, as snow is on the way. Her boyfriend is a climber and does bouldering.
Have a great Tuesday and thanks for visiting.

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