Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Thank you all for your kind words about the funeral, much appreciated. I had another day in Hampshire today. I'd arranged to meet my sister in the hotel dining room at 9 for breakfast and woke with a start at 8.45 - I'd forgotten to set my alarm! I'd just sat down having made it by the skin of my quickly brushed teeth, at a minute to nine only to get a text from my sister saying she wasn't going to be there till 9.20 or so, grrrr!
We spent the morning with Marian whose husband's funeral was yesterday. It was lovely to catch up, to reminisce and to have time together.
As we left Marian's the heavens opened and the rain was stotting off the pavements! I think they've had excessive amounts of rain here this autumn and winter.
I was careful as I drove Joyce to the station, to avoid puddles and drenching further any already soaking wet pedestrians.
After dropping Joyce, I found a shopping centre to wander around in and have lunch while waiting for the rain to go off then had a wander around some of the local shops. I also visited the house my dad and step mother lived in for 24 years until they both died in 2009. Its been a time of relived memories and experiences.
My blip is of my glass of citrus punch in a local restaurant this evening. The additions were there to make the fact that it cost more than a glass of wine a little more palatable. The 400% mark up on soft drinks is always ludicrous.
Keep safe and well everyone. I'm hoping that Barra has finished by the time I fly up tomorrow.

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