Fallen Willow Tree

Still windy, but much calmer after Storm Barra.  Some showers this morning, cleared into a sunny day for a while, clouded over, and more showers this evening. 

Another late shift at the airport.  I was on check-in desk in the morning, and then meeting and boarding planes the rest of the day.  Our late Edinburgh flight went technical, got all the way here, on the approach and then couldn't land, so back it went.  A busy time sorting that out.  Walkies with Sammy, and then feet up for the night. 

The storm winds finally eased back, and thankfully didn't leave much destruction either.  Sadly a friend's tree fell over in the winds.  This isn't a common sight in Shetland, as we don't have many trees, a sad storm victim.  Willows generally don't grow tall here, too exposed, but this has to have been the tallest one, about 30-40ft.  I recorded it in a Blip back 3rd Feb 2014, when it took damage during another gale.  Taken at Meadowfield Road, Scalloway.  

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