
By JohnHeuston1

Democracy and more

Democracy, gotta love it. An online petition demanding that Ian Duncan Smith live on £53 per week has reached over 305,000 signatures. 22,743 people meanwhile voted for him in the 2010 general election, in a constituency turnout of 66.5%. Two separate figures of course, and you'd have to think how he could live on £53 per week, what with a bought and paid for house (more than one bedroom, natch) and an MP's allowance.

Someone on my Twitter timeline opined today that the current government, and many more politicians to boot, were trying to push things so far. I am not party-political, my politics are led by other factors than hues of red, blue or yellow, but I wish more people were politicised. In my own field I'm not exactly looking for Paris 1968, but I wish more students were politicised - again, not by colour but by the issues that affect them.

I blipped yesterday about 'the day Britain changed' Guardian front-page. It doesn't feel like the 'boxing day' of that, the day after the day before as it were. It does though feel like a slow-burning disenchantment and disillusion. The worrying aspect for me is that I don't know where this is going. It may drift and drift to independence vote or beyond. Call it just a feeling, but the disenchantment may manifest itself before the next general election.

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