
By Cailleach



Great excitement in August when a letter arrives from a Spanish law firm, advising you that a very distant relative in Spain has left you her complete set of Picasso drawings!

You've been caught out by my predictions before, so you ask the lawyers to verify in writing that these are genuine Picasso drawings. They confirm, and request that you send €10,000 to cover the shipping and insurance costs.

You're going to be incredibly rich, so you tell the boss exactly where he can stick his poxy job, send your savings to Spain, and treat yourself to the face-lift you've always needed wanted.

The drawings arrive in September...........unfortunately they're not drawings BY Picasso, but OF Picasso, done by your aunt in green crayon, from a padded cell in Barcelona and worth precisely sod all.

Never mind, you'll laugh about it one day.......but not yet. (Mostly because the face-lift is so tight that you won't actually be able to move your lips for the next five years....)

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