Day Today

By Feathers14

Stop taking photographs...

This was a phrase muttered too often this evening.

A very standard day rounded off by travelling over to Craig and Alex's house for an evening of drinking, relaxing and acting about 4 years old... Was really to good to catch up with everyone and celebrate Sam's (his head-in-hands, here) promotion at work. Congratulations to him!

Hadn't seen everyone since new years so a catch up was very much in order. People say that you tend to drift away from friends you made at secondary school, once you go to uni... Not so, with these guys - we can hang out and chat about nothing and everything for hours on end.



Yeah the photo isn't good, but I was already a lil tipsy when I took it and was less enthused by photo taking and more about just being there and talking to everyone. The lighting was doing something crazy, hence the B&W.

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