Last Train to Clarksville

When shops were allowed to reopen on April 12th this year our first purchase was a “Christmas Tree Train”. Does what it says on the tin - track attaches to the tree and the train goes around it. And after eight months of waiting - and eager anticipation - today was the day for putting the tree up and attaching the track. Which proved to be a lot more difficult than the somewhat inadequate instructions suggested. But it was eventually secured in place and ready for the train.
But nowhere on the box or in the instructions was there any indication that said train was equipped with a very annoying soundtrack of bells, whistles and chuffing noises! And, my god, it’s loud. Basically, two circuits of the tree are enough for anyone before turning it off. I suspect that it’s going to end up being one of those novelty items that you show to everyone once and then it goes back in the box and up in the loft until many more Christmases have passed and the memory has faded. Or you gift it to someone you really don’t like!
Obviously, the train was my only involvement in the decorating of the tree - Mrs C does not allow me to make artistic decisions such as the placement of baubles or tinsel! I will be allowed to do the outdoor lights, but that’s mainly because it involves ladders and getting cold (and possibly wet). And I will be under strict supervision throughout.
The rest of the day has been spent catching up on paperwork and tidying the loft. I did get slightly distracted whilst sorting emails and booked a couple of concerts for next year! But I’ve successfully moved on some old lamps and a drop leaf table that I cleared out of the loft, so that’s a result.
And todays title was, of course, chosen as a tribute to Mike Nesmith of The Monkees, whose sad passing was reported at the weekend.

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