a lifetime burning

By Sheol


Mono Monday: Skate

Once upon a time, (and I'm going back to my early teens now, which is a long time ago) I loved ice skating.  It was a special treat so I didn't get to go very often.  So I was never very good at it, and I certainly never had my own ice skates. But I loved that feeling of flying over the ice, it was so exhilarating.

This is taken at the festive ice rink installed in Bath's Victoria Park, when I popped into a drizzly Bath earlier this evening.  I chose to wait until it was dark because I wanted to get the benefit of the illuminated "Skate" logo in the background.  That brought its own problems as the general level of lighting was quite low and the rink has "disco-style" patches of randomly coloured light that would flicker on and off in a disconcertingly haphazard fashion.


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