Spoor of the Bookworm

By Bookworm1962

Pettiskirts and Mr Hyde

"The most racking pangs succeeded: a grinding in the bones, deadly nausea, and a horror of the spirit that cannot be exceeded at the hour of birth or death. Then these agonies began swiftly to subside, and I came to myself as if out of a great sickness. There was something strange in my sensations...."

Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
R L Stevenson

Today I had it in mind to post this but thought better of it and instead here is the completed Pettiskirt that Catie has been making. It's part of a Cosplay costume that she's making for a friend of hers to wear in a competition at a comic convention, there's a top, a Lolita over skirt and various accessories but for now you can just be content with the underwear! I blipped about this project at an early stage and again more recently.At least the slightly naughty Victorian can can flounces link tenuously to the dark side of the time depicted in Jekyll & Hyde and therefore to my experience of today and the reasons for my somber alternate blip.

I've now been taking the new antidepressants for a couple of days and the effect has been appalling. I am utterly detached and watching from a dark place while an evil, angry, resentful and bitter caricature of my darker side has been making his shaky way around my little world. While separated off from my evil twin, I am still experiencing the violent emotions of black despair and the snarling violence of his temper. If this continues ...lets just say its not going to end well.

How strange that such a tiny little teal coloured pill can so tear me apart and release my own Mr Hyde upon the world. I may well stop taking the damned stuff and go back to my old meds which, if they didn't control my depression very well , at least didn't make me want to set about people with something sharp.....

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