Another Patient?

Our 16-year-old dog has many problems, and it has been a challenge for my husband to take care of both of us for the last three weeks, but now I am finally less needy, and I can help with Tiffy. I am past wondering if a hip replacement was a good idea, and I am enjoying the benefits of doing some things I haven't been able to do for years; I am sure I will continue to improve from here on. 

Tomorrow afternoon our son, Ron will be having surgery to remove the brain tumor, and we will find out why the mass has moved and changed. We pray that we will only get good news when the doctors are done with the surgery. We are hopeful.

Little Ellie was great last night, and today, she brightens our lives. Today at naptime, I read her a story, and she told me I didn't need to stay in by her; she said, "My Grandpa says I can go to sleep by myself. You can go in the other room; you don't have to lay with me until I go to sleep." Wow, I was so impressed; she went right to sleep!  She is better at setting boundaries than I am.  :-))

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