Imagine the view....

By btc

Beach life: upsetting hotel staff...

...well when I say hotel staff I only mean the hotel photographer as we decided to turn the hotel lobby into a photo shoot and the request of Kerry (Candice's mum) for the both of them, much to the amusement/bewilderment of most of the hotel guests and the annoyance of one gentlemen (I'll have a word tomorrow).

Aswhile on holiday goes, the beer was flowing and fun was had and this was our idea of fun, otherwise is was listening to a Barry Manalow impersonator (a poor one at that). Anyway it was their last night so we just decided to enjoy ourselves (I still have 5 nights, so no excuse).

For the sake of the gentlemen (and a few ladies I think) that enjoyed yesterday's blip (can't think why I hit spotlight in record time) I am linking to one of the photos I took, just so that if you add it to the last 2 blip, you now have a 360* view, I enjoyed this photo more though because it shows her fun side.

Just in case you are wondering, she was telling me that if I blipped this shot that I had to photoshop out her bra, sorry Candice, I'm sure the guys will forgive you.

Men of Hull, I have to ask the question again??!!

I'll have to find something else to photograph tomorrow

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