it's Christmas, Gym. But not as we know it.

It's our last session this year.  A few people make an effort, while others simply wish they had.  I'm a bit disconcerted by it all.  It's the music.  

Our usual warm-up mix has been ditched - hurriedly I guess - in favour of a random selection of Christmas songs.    

We try warming up to Nat King Cole singing "Chestnuts roasting by an open fire ..."   Lovely though his voice is, it never gets the heart-rate beyond 'resting'.  By an open fire.

Things pick up a bit with Frosty the snowman and then we move onto the usual suspects from the 70s and 80s topping up their pension plans with their own seasonal offerings.  And Slade.  There's always Slade.

Suddenly it's Christmas 1960 and we hear "A lonely pup in a Christmas shop".  The voice is familiar but it takes a while.  Good grief - Adam Faith. The man who horrified a generation of parents with his pronunciation of "Bay-beh"  lamenting the fate of an unsold dog in a pet shop.  

And then halfway through, the music stops.  We are deemed to have warmed up enough to tackle the machine room.  So off we trot.  

If you're worried about the dog, I'm assured it eventually goes to a good home.


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