Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Blip Advent Calendar - Day 14!

Hello there, little penguin here to greet you behind the door of number 14! He's got some friends in his garden; a pair of reindeer pulling a sleigh. He also stands near to a candy cane made of coloured foil!

A lovely trip after school to see Father Christmas with Ezra and Holly. The rotary club are touring some local streets with Father Christmas on an illuminated lorry. We walked to a nearby location and enjoyed waving to him as he went down the road. I tried to get a blip but with the excitement from Ezra and the movement of Father Christmas himself it wasn't at all sharp. Sometimes the moment overtakes photo taking. :-)

Today's quote comes from Roald Dahl in James and the Giant Peach.
"A little magic can take you a long way".

How true!

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