Really? On December 14th?

I couldn't believe my eyes when I spotted the Easter decoration for sell.
That's insane!

I had a busy day. 
I brought Teba to her vaccination, which was very well organised. Teba did very well and we left the GP after 10 minutes.
On the way home we visited the pharmacy to get some problems with the QR code for my booster certificate sorted.
We went to the optician in hope that she could repair her glasses once again. I stopped for a short visit at the grocery store.
I brought Teba home and went alone for a visit at the vets (needed  drugs for Omo), brought the gingerbread houses to Teba's work, visited a shop for Omo's sweets, hurried to the hardware store and another shop to buy special things for a Christmas package for my friend in Spain. I was really glad that I arrived back home, because the side effects of the booster (Moderna) kicked in. The planned half hour nap on the couch became a three hour sleep. I prepared lunch and returned to the couch.
Blipping with Teba was difficult, because I'm that tired. I will collapse now into my bed. Tomorrow will be much better again....

M. says thank you for you good and lovely birthday wishes :D

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