The Laws

By thelaws

Me & my egg

Just chilling with the remote! He is loving the Easter Holiday. Still waiting on a schooling decision, it's worse than irritating, his review was last November. We will be due the next review before a decision is made at this rate.

I know that spending must be cut, but if we can't allow him to grow and learn in an appropriate setting he won't reach his full potential and he will be likely to need to rely on the state for the duration of his adult life.

Surely providing support now, albeit expensive is preferable to supporting for 60+ years because that's what it'll come to.

The Resource Panel don't have enough information to make a decision. The Special School don't have enough information to make a decision. He gets bullied daily at his mainstream school because he is different. The medical appointment is in sight - we've been waiting 14 months. This is NOT a joined up system. If the appointment had come through last year, we might all know what Joe's difficulties might be, and he could have been taught appropriately. Who knows, but we may not even need to consider a transfer out of mainstream. All I do know is that he is increasingly depressed, he is withdrawing from us and from life and his chance of living a real, meaningful life are slipping through our fingers and it is so sad to witness.

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