Black Duck?

Now it will be immediately apparent why I don't do more of this sort of thing. I am far too impatient to get what I need when it comes to shooting wildlife. These creatures have minds of their own. They want to do what THEY want to do. Don't they understand that I am on a timetable? Schedules to keep. Places to go. People to see. I can't be hanging about waiting for them to do something remarkable or pose correctly. They completely ignore the lighting. What's the matter with these characters??

Anyway this is a Pacific "Black Duck". Heaven only knows why it's called a "black" duck. Doesn't look black to me but it DOES look far too self satisfied for my liking. Mumble. Tomorrow it's back to clouds, beer bottles, leaves and the contents of the kitchen top drawer. They stand STILL and do what they're told.

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