Spring Sunshine Indoors

Something approaching spring arrived today with sunshine and some warmth in the air. To celebrate this longed for event, I blipped one of the bunches of narcissi which His Lordship bought yesterday to cheer us up

The town was buzzing this morning with pedestrians who have emerged from the shelter of homes, hotels and art galleries to take to the streets in a flowing river of humanity.
The shops were busy and the most noticeable entrants were couples, the woman forging ahead and the man dutifully tagging along behind, probably wondering if he might not be happier in the office or at least at home reading the paper.

Already some of the hardier young have taken to the grass outside and are settling in for an afternoon of football and chatting.
There will be some picnicking later with the odd barbecue and then they will all go home leaving their litter on the ground. I don't expect anything will have changed.

PS The Internet is down in the Dower House, so I'm in the bookshop using their connection. Hopefully functionality will be restored to the house later.

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