
On our walk back I saw this little robin. A quick snap ( telephoto lens)  before he hopped away.
Where ever we walk we hardly see any birds... .(wrong time of day?)

Such a lovely mild sunny day. A glorious blue sky too. We walked up to the sea wall and beyond, along the marsh to the 'seat' which is actually a stile but is a convenient  place to sit and drink in the view and the peace. 

We took our time. .. no need to rush, especially as it was so  mild and we know that it wont last!

Back home and as I was downloading my photos our friend Alec came round. Hes been dropping hints to buy my Celica.. for years. It's a beautiful car and I've always loved driving it, but for lots of practical reasons  I've not driven it much for 3 years.  A deep breath and I finally said yes  as I wont get a better deal and it's going to a good home. He's given me a good price, in fact he came round with the cash this afternoon. 
I will not let myself regret it.

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