Party Time

I got home from work to find a note telling me my wine order had been delivered and was in the shed. I made a mental note in the tiny portion of my brain which is (relatively) free from senior moments. 

An hour later as I was getting ready to make something to eat, I remembered it, and that it had been 2-3º (max) during the day. I decided to rescue my wine in case it had been chilling too long. 

Once it was inside and unpacked, I realised the white (well, Georgian "white") was at a good drinking temperature. It would be a shame not to take advantage, and taste some of it. 

That is how I ended up drinking wine with my toasted cheese and crisps. 

I opened the Chitistvala, which it turns out is only 50% from that grape. The rest is Kisi and Rkatsiteli. The vineyard is in the Alazani Valley, east of Tbilisi. 

I like it. 

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