
By OldTimer


Just didn't manage a blip for Sunday but luckily this monarch helped me out for today.  I was flat out gardening when I noticed it, I must have knocked it from where it was drying its wings and it landed on the straw mulch. It stayed for quite awhile  flexing its wings and then was gone
We had such a hot day but I worked determinedly in the garden and the mower man came later this afternoon so that is all I am doing outside until after Christmas
Sent off a good carton of baking to an ill friend  in Nelson. Hope the courier treats it gently and the biscuits aren't crumbs when they get there. Baked shortbread and melting moments yesterday and all is now packed and ready for distribution. Really proud of my efforts. Now its onto wrapping and sorting presents.
More rain expected but gee the couple of good days have been appreciated. It has been so unseasonal

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