Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


Today was the day that I would have been traveling down to Wales. I arrived at the inevitable decision that it simply isn’t a sensible time to visit my Mum, given the train journey involved and current infection rates. Yes, it’s Christmas but all I would be doing would be adding to risk for everyone, but particularly for my Mum. So I’ll just spend the three days quietly at home and hope to be able to get down at some point in the New Year when we have a bit more knowledge about what’s going on.

This also meant a trip to the post office was in order, as planned hand deliveries will no longer be taking place. And as the post office is at the end of the Bank, I thought I’d have a walk along there for the first time in a month or two.

This is one of my favourite trees on the Bank, a remnant of a time when the oaks here must have been coppiced. I’m sure I’ve featured in this journal before when in leaf, but it’s equally impressive in winter mode. Wrose Hill can be seen on the other side of the valley through the branches. 

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