
Very quiet home office sort of day. A was on a different shift today so got the bus to work whilst I was already in meetings. Pushed on through a combination of meetings and email shovelling, as well as finally managing to draft a difficult document and get it sent.
Bit of a feeling of panic when I think about the stuff I’ve still to do (mainly ensuring I have presents for the people I may see…of course the tricky thing is that I don’t know for sure who I’ll be seeing!).
Supper once A was home then she returned to her wrapping duties and I wrote lists whilst we watched various Christmas cookery programmes and ate After Eights (pure retro!). Chatting about what our plans will be…or rather wondering what will be allowed. We’re fearing Hogmanay celebrations may be cancelled but then N&R, A’s friends, would probably not come up here after all. Their plan to have a few days away in a hotel in the new year may also be at risk….so difficult to get organised when things are so uncertain.

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