I wanted to get a nice sky for today, but it was never going to happen. Left very early on another misty day, however the light rain did not arrive until I got home. My blip was of a fungi in the woods, I thought it looked like a saddle. On my walk suddenly Mr and Mrs Clause came running along the board walk, I think they were teachers as behind them were children running with Santa hats on. The only cheery thing I saw.
I went to the hospital this afternoon for my x-ray, so will have to wait another ten days for the result.
Got news about the little bluetit that I reported to the RSPB, if you remember it had coloured rings on it's leg. Well apparently it was ringed about 20 miles away, and they said they never go far from where they were born. I think it may have got caught up it the storm.
Well that is all the news for today, so off to feed the dogs now.

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