Red, Green, and Blue

By GemmoMC

On House Arrest: Day 2

Today wasn't really another full day of house arrest, but it definitely felt like it. My papers are slowly eating away at my sanity.

I finished one of my "papers" today. It's so long. Six pages with a couple lines spilling onto a seventh page and all in French. There wasn't a page limit, but I felt like I needed 6 1/4 pages to write everything I needed to say. This paper was supposed to be an oral presentation for my film sociology class. I was glad that it turned into a paper thanks to the strike. However, I received word today from Joëlle, one of our program coordinators, that Bordeaux 3 classes will recommence next Monday. Therefore, this possibly means that I may have to do an oral presentation. The professor for this class too is just so adamant that I do an oral presentation, so I'm so afraid that I will have to do it.

When I got that e-mail from Joëlle, I felt even more stressed. Instead of being excited, I felt like "why?!?!" For us foreign students it doesn't even matter. We already have our schedules to go home and everything. To be honest though, I don't mind going back for another week. My big concern, though, is that I might have to do that cursed oral presentation!

Anyway, I've ranted about that long enough with some other people on my program. In the afternoon I went to DEFLE (or Deathla as one Californian put it -- deathla rhymes with defle). My art history class was at 13h30. The lady professor was teaching today. She is sooooooooo boring. She handed out our quizzes back and I didn't do as well as I wanted. And to make matters worse, she public said to each student, you did well or you did poorly. The French teachers are easy to publicly state how well you perform.

So I have all night to work on my last paper. I really need to finish it so that to tomorrow I can be stress free for tomorrow I turn one year older....

BTW: this window has also been featured two other times in my journal already. I'm starting to run out of things to shoot in my house (well not really).

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