
By analogconvert13

Found Art. Leica/Lumix 45mm Macro-Elmarit

Some weeks back, our condominium association had to undertake some extensive masonry repairs to find and plug a massive leak into the underground garage.  The mason, amongst several other drainage solutions, created two huge cisterns for rain water to collect in before being led off to the storm water drains.  He made removable covers for the cisterns which he topped with a layer of river stones.  The owners all voted as to what color they liked best, with the black winning out over gray or white.  I noticed that the water beads beautifully on the surface of the stones; perhaps they are coated with wax or polish. Then the fall leaves found their way in among the stones.  It was just a matter of waiting for a light rain falling from an overcast sky to create the droplets and intensify the colors.  And here it is.

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