
By TrevorKing66

Orton effect

I have seen various images which have had the Orton effect applied to them and I have wanted to replicate the effect for a while. So tonight I was struggling to find something to Blip and I chose to photograph a Bromeliad which is growing quite well. I spent about half an hour looking for a composition which worked and that I liked. It was only when I was loading the image on to the laptop that I decided to give this Orton effect a try and give my image a bit of something different should we say.
The Orton effect is named after Michael Orton. The effect is made up of two copies of the same image, the first one sharp and the second slightly out of focus and over exposed by one stop. These images are then sandwiched together (Slides origonally) but now in Photoshop.
The Orton effect is very effective when used in portrait photography and I will be giving this a try when I have perfected the process.

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