Christmas jigsaw.

Tesco home delivery came; they fulfilled our Christmas order. Nice quality, good service. Much of it is now packed in the wee fridge in the garage.

We’d a late morning walk down the back lane.

And my wife started a Christmas jigsaw - a Birthday present. Target is finish by Hogmanay. Possibly start of a new tradition?

Watched Scottish Government statement by First Minister. Announcement of Covid19 Omicron protective measures - coming into effect after Christmas. Action has implications for Hospitality, Leisure and Events etc Sectors. Some compensation funding made available. Other detail and guidance too, and continued encouragement to not mix, “flow before go” etc. Little doubt about transmissibility. Reproduction rate is fast. Omicron severity studies due to report soon on likelihood of hospitalisation etc. research by Strathclyde and Edinburgh Universities. Insufficient action could lead to huge disruption in any case. Dammed if take action; dammed if don’t. Mayor of London declared Major Incident on 18 December. Wales and Northern Ireland Parliaments taking steps now.

Teachers in family now on Christmas holidays. Schools were quiet recently.

Cold grey day, winter solstice.

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