Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

The Botanics light night

There was a bit of a blip with my blip yesterday, a problem others had too. My thumbnail picture didn't update from the star image of the 20th, so if you didn't see the blip you can follow the arrow back to it from today's page - be warned though my Christmas tree is as full of bling as ever!

Wednesday today and already halfway through the week. Today I went on a hunt for an annual for Isobel to take to her other grandparents' house as a present from us to be opened on Christmas day. I particularly wanted an annual for her as that was what Eilidh would have to open. In her case, the Beano Annual! Most of their presents from and to us will be opened at some point after they come back on the 28th. Katy has suggested a Ceebeebies annual but i couldn't find such a thing. I ended up buying a very nice and beautifully illustrated book from B&M bargains. It contained 12 stories from Disney hopefully that will please her.
Having done since other food shopping I went home and continued to get ready for my sister too arrive. Colin went into town to pick her up.
Ali came to visit and to bring Josie to see her great aunt again. This evening we were all three young out with Kathryn's family to celebrate her birthday in the safest way we could find by staying out of doors, i had bought tickets a couple of moths ago for the Botanics by night light show. We were lucky, it was cold but by and large dry thank goodness. We paused half way around for Katy and I and the girls to toast a marshmallow each.
My main blip is of the pool in the rock garden. There are many creative lighting effects as you go around, but I think this beautiful highlighting of the pool and stream was my favourite. It's a wonderful setting and well worth a visit and of course Santa is there too. The extra is of the pond in front of Inverleith House - which incidentally I still think of as the Gallery of Modern Art. I loved the reflections.
We had a lazy fish and chips for tea from a different copy to our usual which were delicious.
Keep safe folks,

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