Almost Ready for the Big Day

Sunny with a high of 51deg F. Going down to 28 deg F tonight - brrr. We were up by 8:00 am and I did not even take a lunch break. Hopefully, I will stay awake until I finish typing this blip. I have been dreading this day - had to finish our Christmas gift projects - but it turned out to be pleasant and certainly not as hard as I expected. Hubby figured out how to put all the pieces together to create Kristen’s gift. These skis are supposed to have stenciled snowflakes but I chickened out. Hubby had PT this afternoon. His progress continues. I made 8 of the 10 types of cookies on my list. The dough for two of them are refrigerated and will be baked tomorrow while I make the mini cheesecakes and chocolate bottom cupcakes. Hubby helped me clean the kitchen so I could finally sit down at 8 pm. He also helped make one batch of cookies that required multiple hands. I hope your day was as productive. My sister called and said our other local sister is at the hospital with breathing issues. Let’s hope her symptoms can be relieved quickly. Thanks for dropping by. Sorry, but I simply cannot get to your journals. I’ll catch up next week, promise.
“A gift that’s handmade
Is a gift not replaced
Entrapping sweet memories
That can’t be erased. “ - Amanda Evanson

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