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Strava Day 206/75 Hard Off Phase Day 24. Outdoor exercise, reading and two liters done. Was able to conquer my fear of dogs earlier (at least the ones that I pass by on the daily). Was able to make it earlier to take a few photos of the lights by the patio with the Night Mass goers still lingering after with their mobile enjoying Taho. Took a couple decent ones with the painterly sky but I have committed to posting a 5:55 photo so instead sharing this one.
Felt the need to pee around 5:45 but stubbornly walked on and resisted going back to a safety just to challenge myself into how calm I could be in the most uncomfortable of situations. Walked a different route again with Strava's GPS on, mild panic around 5:51 but decided to just continue and stay calm and focused with the phone's camera on. After I got my 5:55 photo, I was still feeling uncomfortable but not anxious so I just kept walking until I got home.
T has been checking on his queen ant daily and reporting the number of eggs it has laid over breakfast. For several months, he has been mentioning that Ants Canada's Ultimate Guide to Antskeeping is on top of his Christmas wish list. Finally took the time to check it out and apparently it is just an overpriced e-book. Told him the price is not worth the product. He then negotiated and said maybe he could have something from the online shop. Told him am sorry but the extra shipping fee on top of the price would not be ideal. It is often tough to say no to him but it would most definitely be irresponsible if I do not even attempt to educate him on some realities. Grateful that he is slowly learning to do most things by himself and is surprisingly sometimes more mature than I am. Case in point: Was tempted earlier to bring him to the gym with me so he could play in a different environment but he said: I don't think that is a good idea. Daddy said I can't go. Told him thank you for keeping me in check.
Raining here now and am posting this a little later than usual as Ate M has been on a self-declared leave for more than a week. It is a blessing in disguise because even though we have extra chores to do, we get to talk to each other more without editing ourselves and we get to practice mindfulness through preparing our own food and washing dishes.
Shot a video of me dancing to the tune of Emmy Melli's "I am woman" and will be uploading it to Tiktok after this. Thank you to @kendallishere for the push/encouragement yesterday. Gave myself the confidence gift for a few minutes that's why I was able to accomplish one of the things in my bucket list.
Thank you for dropping by. Hope you are a having a good day/evening.

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