Snap, crackle, and pop

By marking_time


We are in one of our happy places tonight, finally. Not everything was good today. It was a long hard drive on lumpy roads and in rain for much of the time. The supermarket stop was awful, couldn't wait to get out and have no idea now if we are catered for the coming days, and when we arrived here we were distraught to find that not all was as it previously was...

Having been told that we couldn't park where we have done before, we were unhappy with the area that we were directed to. I marched the over a kilometre back to Reception to ask if we could be allocated a different space. All of a sudden it was okay to park in the usual area! I marched back again and we moved the van. So, all's well that ends well, other than the good shower block is closed and I now face 12 days of squat toilets and showers open to the December/ January air...

I'll survive, I am sure.

Tonight's sunset made up for much.

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