Christmas Card for mummy

Up early as Lynne picked me up at 7.30am to go to M and S for our Christmas dinner. It was absolutely fine and we got everything we needed. In the end we bought a Turkey dinner each that we can just heat up but we will add to. We were home by 8.30!!
I had a walk delivering a couple of Christmas cards. Came home had lunch then fell asleep. Mel rang me and asked if I wanted to meet them in the cafe, my legs had had enough so I drove. Mel and Ada were having their hair done. I went and collected Ada whilst Mel had hers done. She chose some bath bombs for Mel as a present so we wrapped them. She made a beautiful Christmas card for them using lots of stickers and shapes. When Mel came Ada was desperate to give her her Christmas presents so we let her! next year I'm sure she'll be better. 
Thank you for all the recent comments, star and hearts. 

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