Shadows of conspiracy theories

One of my distant workmates has written in Facebook, how she doesn't believe that Corona is real problem at all. And therefore no masks should be used, and of course no vaccinations should be taken.

A slight problem to go public with this kind of ideas in these days. I chatted privately with her for a while - and she apparently started to think about her publication in a new ankle.

I wonder how all kind of conspiracy theories come to life. And why... What so you think?

Found out a study. There is four reasons why people easily prefer conspiracy theories:
1) the feeling of powerlessness scares and the person feels that there is not enough power to influence things. Conspiracy theories give them power. .
2) conspiracy theory gives a clear culprit to the event and therefore help one coping in a threatening situation.
3) a person needs in generally an explanation for surprisingly unlikely events and conspiracy explanations help to live with the sense of insecurity.
4) being opposition to mainstream policy gives one feel good.

Do you have conspiracy theories about Corona in neighborhoods? Do you believe in some youself?

Sunny day, - 5c, feeling better already after the third covid jab.



Ps. The finnish government has today decided that COVID-19 passport restrictions will affect opening hours in restaurants, cafés and bars. Starting from Friday 24 December, alcoholic beverages will not be served after 21.00 and closing time will be at 22.00.

Starting from Tuesday 28 December, alcohol will not be served after 17.00, and businesses that primarily serve alcoholic beverages will be required to close at 18.00. Restaurants will also be required to stop serving alcohol at 17.00, but opening hours for customers with a COVID-19 passport could be extended to 18.00-20.00.

Customer seats in restaurants that primarily serve alcoholic beverages will be restricted to 50% and in restaurants serving food to 75%of their normal number of customer seats. All restaurants in Finland will be entitled to require customers to present a COVID-19 passport at all hours.

The Government also recommended that the local authorities, based on their assessment, take extensive measures under the Communicable Diseases Act to prevent the spread of the pandemic.

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