Final prep

Busy but enjoyable day. I was up early to go and buy cinnamon buns for breakfast (delayed afterwards by a farcical hunt for my car keys which in the end were in a different pocket of my coat!), then afterwards A and I went to have our nails done. First time I’ve had a manicure for probably a couple of years, or more, but I must go more often as I love the smooth feeling when they’re done.
Dropped A back home then popped to the supermarket for the bread and a couple of other things I’d forgotten, then home out of the rain for the rest of the day, fairy lights and candles on and Nine lessons and carols on the radio as I worked on the various food prep for tomorrow. Waves of nostalgia, thinking about times in Cambridge, as a child, at the in-laws baking mince pies, in Slough and in MK…..many different times and places but the same Christmas Eve feelings.
A&N back from town, and she cleared and set the table for tomorrow (that’s a new one!) then we prepared a Richard Joiner supper and put the stockings (well, sacks!) out for Santa. Just need to wake in the night to fill (two of) them!

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