Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2021 Sunday — Shawn

A few days ago we mailed a package to Shawn at his place in southwest Oregon. We had extra space in the shipping box, so Mr. Fun thought we ought to include the teddy bear.

Of course, we were delighted that Shawn really liked the bear. He named it A’nesi, which he says is Greek for “comfort.”

Shawn is living on a farm. I’m envious. I watch/follow a lot of people on Instagram who are farmers. Working the soil and growing plants — vegetables and flowers — is very intriguing to me. I’m not sure that I am good at it, but I would at least like to give it a try.

I’m not sure what Shawn’s arrangement on the farm is because he does have a custodian job at the local elementary school where he works from early morning to about 3:30 in the afternoon Monday through Friday. I do know that he does help on the farm.

The farm belongs to Scott & Jodi. Shawn explained to us that the farm was started by Scott’s grandpa in 1935. One photo Shawn sent is with one of the farm dogs, Gump. He told us there are seven dogs on the farm. Those are the few details that we know.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Rosie
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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