Festive Eve

Still neatly lying in the box.  The last time I used them was about 6 years ago at work, when I brought the tree to my office and decorated it there.  And then came that sudden move to the city centre and AW and I decided to just leave the tree behind.  I had already repacked the balls and thought it a waste to leave them behind, too.  When I opened the box today for the sole purpose of taking a shot, I discovered that the Christmas lights were still in there, too.  I think I know what to do with them next year.

Most of today was spent painting under the stairs.  AW said I did a better job than he did.  Anyway, a second layer is needed and that will be done tomorrow.  Yes, on Christmas Day itself, but that is all right with us.  We had a good dinner and will reserve the steak for tomorrow night.

While AW watched The Hobbit (he is very fond of it, while I prefer LOTR), I gamed, although not so much, and passed my Abdomen exam for week 2 with a 9.1%.  Not a bad day, altogether.  It had become the custom in the past years to be abroad on holiday at this time, a risky affair these days.  Opened my mail later in the evening, and there, waiting for me, was a response to a job application.  It feels rather 'hopeful' and it would be good if something came of it.  I wonder.

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