Christmas Market

I hope your Christmas Day has been as happy as ours.   The children enjoyed a happy hour online with their Mum this morning, while I was still abed!!   By midday, Ruth and I had decamped to Jamie's where we have interspersed presents and food roughly equally with some quiet down-time along the way.   A movie to round things off now, Disney's 'Abominable' .... to make up for the lack of snow!

Two pictures today.  The main is a cheat as it was not taken today but it's relevant as the Christmas Market model was a present from Ruth to her Grandma and we had an online meet-up for the grand opening :-)   It's a remarkable piece of work, so much tiny detail beautifully executed.  My Mum was delighted with it.    In extra pics, one from today, yesterdays snowdrop joined by a white Iris unguicuaris flower which I picked as a pencil thin bud a couple of days ago.

Merry Christmas all!

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