
By Catbrook

Cantankerous Clouds

Got soaked about a minute after taking this picture. The sky was making it fairly clear what was about to happen but I was close to this Bar (Monkgate Bar - one of the gateways to the city) and thought it might be worth getting a bit wet for. I got drenched; it was actually dripping off my face and cheered me up immensely (drizzle=depressing, buckets=exhilarating). Cheering up was required after having to perform monkey tricks in an employment agency for a couple of hours.

I'm trying to get temporary office employment and I understand that temp agencies need to see what you can and can't do so they get you to complete tests on Microsoft packages and typing. What I don't understand is why they act like you're a sorry excuse for a human being just because you don't make powerpoint presentations in your spare time.

I did redeem myself with my typing speed... clack-clack-clackity-clack. Very impressive....give the monkey a banana.

'Now, monkey*, sum yourself up in three words'

'Erm that's not many words. I'm not sure if I can cover it with three words'

'Monkey! Please listen I only want three. Let's keep this simple.'

'Ok. ruminative, phantasmagoric, quixotic..... Can I have another banana now?'

Lovely weather we're having for cynical thoughts, no?

*(I was asked this question but I think I imagined the 'monkey' bit. In actual fact she seems to be under the impression my name is Sue having sent me an email starting 'Dear Sue'. Either that or she's not yet mastered copy and paste in which case she knows what she can do with her Microsoft Word test.)

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