
By Chiara

Rush Hour 3

Yesterday taught me to always call ahead and see if the pool's open. After learning that it was indeed open today, I went and swam for about 45 minutes. I noticed that I always end up swimming next to cute guys. Nice.

This evening, I rode about 7 miles in the woods. My bike really, really, really needs new tires.

I really want to move to Hawaii. I sent my resume to a few post-production houses in Oahu. I also looked at some apartment listings in or around Honolulu, and they're pretty cheap compared to the places in Chicago. Anyone who says that the cost of living in Hawaii is high has obviously never lived in Chicago. I'll be fine. I'm not materialistic at all. If I move there, I'll just need my bike, an air mattress, a roof over my head, some clothes, and food.

My motto has always been: Show; don't tell.

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