Spot the stick!

Boxing Day - we got up early and played the back 9 holes of the Wānaka Goif Course . It is so popular with visitors in town, it is hard to get a booking.
Anyway, we enjoyed our 9 holes, and I was delighted to play them as the first since my total knee replacement.

After a cup of coffee, we took Frida for her walk- along the Millenium Track. If you look closely in this photo, you will see Jill throwing Frida a stick to fetch….which she did.

Home, lunch and the. We started staining our fence. We have 3 areas with fences, so started on one, and it’s good to see the difference it makes. Another coat will be great. A messy job…but rewarding.

 We are watching the “Old Peoples Home for 4 year Olds”- an Australian reality TV show on Netflix to measure the impact a group of 4 year olds have on residents in a Rest Home. It is heart warming so far.

I hope your Boxing Day is going well. It’s been a lovely warm day here.

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