Lovely Books

You can never have enough lovely books and I was lucky enough to receive three of them this Christmas.  My young old Boss sent me a mystery parcel containing the Scottish Places, many of which we know or are on our to do list and several particularly on our holiday list (if we get there!) next year.  He also gave me the National Geographic Photographs book which I will enjoy perusing in my leisure time.

The third book is a present from our Jen and Pete and is very beautiful, both in illustrations and words.  It is called 'Nests' by Susan Ogilvy who came upon a discarded  nest which she dried out and was surprised by its transformation.  She decided to paint it and what followed is this wonderful book full of nests and their stories.  A book for a day like today when there is slushy snow on the ground and fog encircling the house, and the corner of the settee beckons. 

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