
By Chris_P

‘(Slightly) Physically Distanced Christmas Dinner’

Went to see the grandchildren with their parents in Glasgow for Christmas dinner and to exchange Christmas presents. Haven’t seen them anything like as much in the past couple of years now, but really glad to be able to avoid another zoom Christmas and see them all in person for Christmas this year.

It was a bit different this time all the same, and we followed, as far as possible, the protocols for mixing indoors, including triple vaccinated, lateral flow tests in the morning, ventilation, masks and not getting too close to each other physically for long periods. etc.

It was great to be together again, though, and to see the kids opening their presents:- the extras show my granddaughter trying on her new Doc Martens for the first time (they take a bit of getting used to!), and grandson burning up some of his spare energy on his new punchbag! I was given a fantastic new Fair Isle sweater that I’ve been wearing ever since!

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