
By Juleshki

On The Beach

This was beach was deserted.
Can you guess why?

A little bit of sunshine came through from time to time but it did not lift the temperatures any. Add to that the strong breeze and it felt like my face was being frozen.
And everything else.

Refreshing to say the least.
But each time I come down to South Devon I can't resist coming down to this beach, even if I get sandblasted and partially frozen.

Had a really nice meal out at the local (and only pub within walking distance!) last night. On arrival we discovered that Wednesday night is Pie Night!
Nothing but pies served!
Fabulous pies!
Pies of every single kind!
We couldn't agree on which was the best!

Tonight we're eating in and my OH is cooking for the four of us.
As I look out of the window, across the headland and out to sea, I see that it's trying to snow.
That's not what I expected.

But where I'm sitting is cosy and warm and it's easily time for a glass of red... just let me check.... yep, it is!

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