No Time Off For The Holidays!

This truly is the one and only picture I took today and I took it with my phone camera as I was leaving the hospital!  The day, while not so bad, did not go as planned.  I was scheduled for labs and a followup appointment with one of Dr. H's assistants.  It took awhile for them to call me back to get my blood and when it took the phlebotomist three veins to get one to cooperate and give her enough blood, I should have realized that it was not going to be a routine day.  I am usually a very easy stick for the labs.  Then, during the appointment with the assistant, she became concerned about a possible blood clot in my leg and that's how I ended up at the hospital next door getting an ultrasound of my leg.  When I saw this flower as I was leaving the hospital, I figured I would get a shot of it, because I wasn't sure that a walk was in the cards for me today.  The visitor was a bonus!

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