A Typical Day in the Neighborhood

I was starting a string of errands, just a block from the house, when a flash of the most gorgeous burnt orange caught my eye. The well-trained car seemed to screech to a halt on its own. All I had was my phone, darn it, no zoom, so I had to sneak along the sidewalk. You know the routine, take one shot from far away, then another, closer, another. The hawk was faced away from me and let me get maybe six feet away before it turned around, startled, and took off.  Everything seemed so clear and sharp, I could just about count the stripes on its wings. I felt bad for scaring it because I could have spent a good long while just looking at that color, those stripes! 

After I got back from Costco I made a quick pot of soup for lunch, just refrigerator soup, nothing elaborate. It had started to rain, so I figured if I was stuck in the house it was a good time to make a batch of granola. It took a little bit of choreography because Mr S was in the kitchen working on his bread dough, but we managed to keep our projects separate. For some reason, the granola made me think of biscotti, and it was still raining pretty hard, so there you go, a batch of cookies. The whole thing felt like If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (if you don't know that kids' book, go find it, because it explains a lot of how the world works. Or at least my world.). So, recap, we've got a couple days of lunches covered with the soup, a few bags of granola, a batch of biscotti, and two loaves of bread proofing in the fridge. And it's still raining...

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