Divine Dudley

Best viewed *larger*

This is the closest he's been & he stayed there. He's still as quick as lightening, but he trusts me now, there's no threat from me, although Larry had a go at him earlier! I kept telling Larry there's enough worms for you, & it could be jealousy, it probably is!

Speaking of whom...

Amber Larry

Had to buy more bird seed today, they're eating us out of house & home as ever, so many hungry mouths to feed, they flock to us in their hundreds, a large finch population, 100+ resident house sparrows, the starlings have all but gone, just a few left. Rooks & Jackdaws come in every afternoon, altogether I counted 97...! Plus the tits, dunnocks, wrens, not to mention all the blackbirds. Then there's collard doves, wood pigeons, magpies... & yeah, the robins - there's two pairs in the back garden now, they seem to be living amongst each other ok, it's only Larry who puts on the gloves for punch ups & he lives in the front garden! :) xxx

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