
Run this morning was good, except I stupidly ran on a path next to a horse and rider and shocked the horse. It was OK when I stood still.
Some general housework as I like to go into the new year with everything clean and tidy.
Off for a walk down the river path after lunch, so muddy and slippy, and the river quite fast flowing. Past a couple of people but very quiet for a news years Eve in the village. Found some Herdwicks.
Hetty got upset at the start of the walk as a digger came out of a field and up towards us, then she was stressed this evening when the garden beyond the allotments behind us set off lots of fireworks.
Cooked dinner and had a glass of red, now going to watch a film and try to stay awake until midnight.
Got a feeling 2022 is going to be a good year.
Happy new year to all my blip friends, I love being part of this community and look forward to many more years of your company.

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