So far I have Run Every Day this year. I wonder how long I'll keep it up.

The new year has started in a very spring like fashion and my daffs are contemplating waking up. These ones do bloom early, I reckon another week or so possibly.  The rest of the garden is a quagmire and I daren't go to the allotment. Maybe next week.

We had a quiet night, No.1 went out for a bit but had to go to work at 0600 this morning so wasn't late. No.2 probably isn't up yet (she's staying at her mum's, or B/F's, not here anyway) and it's probably best not to ask what she was up to. A house party in an empty flat belonging to her step dad was as far as I wanted to go. 

Himself has gone to his mum's to sort out her heating after a two hour power cut yesterday and I'm home alone, at least for the next hour until No. 1 comes back. I had to give in and open my laptop but I've done loads of personal admin which I'd been putting off. It's quite nice just sitting here reading the paper with no-one putting the TV on, wandering round in their PJs, or generally cluttering up the place. I should live on my own really.

Even the Kittencats are snoozing nicely.

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