Light & sight

By CameronDP

Just watchin' the world go by

Yes, I'm back! I'm adraid I got rather distracted last night by trying to fix a hideous software glitch on my iPhone. I succeeded in the end but it was frankly a palaver. Sometimes I think I forget that these kind of devices ceased to be phones some time ago now, turning instead into complex miniature computers, with all the potential for glitchery that implies.(Note to Frank and Roz: the bookmarks database file had corrupted horribly for no particularly obvious reason. In the end I had to press the nuclear button and completely restore the OS...)
Anyways, my ole Mum has gone on an art holiday to Scotland so I am currently on cat feeding duty. This involves dropping by her house twice a day - on the way in to work and on the way back home again. They are quite social cats and always seem pleased to see me - meowling at me as I come in and demanding an extended greeting and plenty of attention. In fact they often seem more interested in attention than the food I have trekked around to provide for them. Tssk, cats eh?
I have also been tasked with feeding the garden birds. This involves blending chunks of brown bread and a specially selected birdseed mix with blueberries and raisins and then lightly garnishing this with fresh water as I head officewards. Gourmet dining for our feathery pals! No wonder the blackbirds and thrushes like hanging around in her back yard! You won't be surprised to hear this birdie feast is almost all gone by the time I come back in the evenings....
Here we see Lucy, who has featured in a few previous blips, sitting in the living room window and watching me as I stroll off to catch the morning train.

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